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My Top 3 Portable Snacks For Busy Movers + Shakers

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My life is pretty hectic these days, so I make sure I'm prepared with quick, easy healthy snacks that will nourish and fuel my body on the run. I make sure they are rich in protein so that I can easily enjoy them for a quick breakfast or lunch at my desk. The best thing is that they all take less than a few minutes to make, and they can be kept in the fridge for up to 1 week. Perfect to enjoy with a cleansing green juice or energy boosting matcha latte.



These protein balls take about 5 minutes to make and are the perfect portable breakfast, snack or quick lunch if you’re a mover and shaker on the go! They remind me a little of no-cook Anzac biscuits and are packed with rolled oats, coconut, dates, Healthy Chef Protein + your choice of nut butter. For these ones I’ve used peanut butter but feel free to use whatever nut butter you have in the fridge - they will certainly satisfy your cravings between meals and the oats are full of fibre to keep you filled up for hours. Adding protein to your diet will also have a stabilising effect on blood sugar levels and keep you satisfied and energised. These power balls are also rich in antioxidants, fibre and minerals that include magnesium, potassium, folate, niacin and folate that your body needs for optimum health and vitality. This recipe is also featured in my Healthy Recipe App.




These delicious homemade muesli bars that will take the edge off any hunger and are much healthier than the traditional store bought versions. These bars take around 5 minutes to mix up from your favourite bircher muesli combo then all you need to do is bake them. Like most muesli bars, I’ve made mine with rolled oats. The soluble fiber can help lower blood cholesterol and because they are low GI, they can provide lasting energy.  If you’re on a gluten-free or paleo diet, just substitute the oats for nuts, seeds and sun-dried fruit. My muesli bars provide a good source of protein to help keep you fuller for longer and I’ve used  a little olive oil which is kind to the arteries and anti-inflammatory to the body. You can also pump up the protein by adding a few spoons of Healthy Chef protein.



This is a power packed cookie that will energise and sustain kids (and adults) for hours! It’s my healthy cookie recipe that’s perfect to pack into a lunch box and made from banana, rolled oats, coconut, cinnamon and vanilla. What I love about making them is that you can just throw all the ingredients into a bowl and mix. It’s important to mix them well – for about 5 minutes either by hand or in your stand mixer. The more you mix, the more the cookies start to hold together. I’ve added plump raisins into mine, but I also love to add chocolate chips that will make them really yummy. To pump up the protein I also love to replace some of the oats with a few spoonfuls of Healthy Chef Protein.

To keep you fuller and energised for longer, discover the satiating and body + shaping properties of The Healthy Chef Protein. Available from the Healthy Chef eStore HERE.


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