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This delicious, soft + fluffy rice bread from my cookbook Simple Healthy Recipes, is very easy to make and uses simple pantry-staples for the ingredients. You'll be surprised at just how fluffy this bread is, and it is gluten-free! Enjoy topped with your favourite spreads or fillings. 



Makes 1 loaf. 

340 g (12 oz) uncooked sushi rice (short grain rice)

250 m (1 cup/8 fl oz) room temperature water

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

7 g (1 sachet, 2 teaspoons) dry yeast

10 g (2 teaspoons) gluten free baking powder

generous pinch of sea salt

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

30 g (1/4 cup/1 oz) tapioca flour


THE NIGHT BEFORE, soak the rice in lots of water, making sure to cover the rice completely. Allow to sit on the kitchen bench overnight.

THE NEXT DAY, drain the rice completely.

COMBINE IN A BLENDER the drained rice, warm water, maple syrup, yeast, baking powder, salt and olive oil. Blend for 1–2 minutes until smooth and creamy. Add the tapioca flour and blend again. The addition of tapioca flour adds extra structure to the bread. You should have a wonderful white creamy batter.

PREHEAT your oven to 180°C (360°F) fan forced.

POUR the batter into a loaf tin, lined with baking paper on the base and sides. Cover the bread with cling film.

PROVE THE BREAD for 1 hour or until the bread had doubled in size.

BAKE for 30 minutes until golden and cooked through. Cover with foil 10 minutes before removing the bread from the oven if over browning.

REMOVE THE BREAD from the oven, take out of the tin and cool completely.

FOR A SOFT LOAF, cover the bread with a clean tea towel. The steam generated will keep the crust soft and delicious.

CUT SLICES of bread when it’s cold. This bread is best when it’s completely cold the next day.

SERVE plain or toasted – it’s magnificent!

Notes and Inspiration

My recipe will completely revolutionise how you make gluten free bread. Soft and fluffy, it’s the best gluten free bread in the world.

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