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Strawberry Body Shaping Smoothie

Strawberry Body Shaping Smoothie
Strawberry Body Shaping Smoothie

What's great about it

This is a delicious low-calorie - high protein smoothie to enjoy for breakfast or lunch. The ingredients in Healthy Chef Protein have been formulated to boost your metabolism, keep your fuller for longer and support a lean, toned body so you can get in the best shape of your life!

When attempting to keep total calories down during dieting, protein supplementation can help to keep total food volume down but still provide support directly to the muscles, liver and immune systems which are critical to optimising body composition. 


Serves 1


1 cup strawberries

1/4 avocado (optional)

1/2 filtered water or almond milk

1 serve Healthy Chef Protein

stevia or your choice of sweetener to taste (optional)


COMBINE all the ingredients in a high-speed blender.

BLEND until smooth and creamy.

POUR into a serving glass and enjoy!

Notes and Inspiration

Add a handful of ice and blend to thicken, then serve in a bowl for a nourishing smoothie breakfast bowl.

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