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What's great about it

A quick and easy mid-week meal that’s packed with 25g of protein per serve. This delicious recipe is from my cookbook, SIMPLE HEALTHY RECIPES.

Organic eggs and tofu are packed full of proteins, essential vitamins like B12 and calcium for bone health. Spinach adds iron, fibre and antioxidants, while leeks are a wonderful prebiotic for gut health and are rich in antioxidants to support immune health and total wellbeing.

Enjoy this quiche for lunch or dinner, or prepare ahead of time to take as your lunches during the work week. 



Serves 4, or 2 if you're hungry


2 leeks, sliced

2 tablespoons olive oil

100 g baby spinach

pinch of sea salt

6 large organic eggs

2 tablespoons grated parmesan, optional

300 g silken tofu, strained


PREHEAT your oven to 200°C fan forced.

COOK the leeks in the olive oil over a gentle heat until soft.

ADD the spinach, season with salt and cook until wilted.

COMBINE the spinach in a large bowl with the eggs and parmesan.

POUR the mixture into a lined oven-proof dish.

BREAK UP the tofu or ricotta if using and distribute into the egg mix.

BAKE for 20 – 30 minutes until set.

REMOVE from the oven and serve hot or at room temp.

STORE in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Notes and Inspiration

Add any leftover cooked vegetables that you have lying around int your fridge.

I also love adding roasted sweet potato chunks and serving with basil, lemon and leafy greens.

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