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Samurai Smoothie

Samurai Smoothie
Samurai Smoothie

What's great about it

This is my super healthy smoothie that will have you bouncing off the walls with energy. A revitalising blend of pineapple, lime, coconut and Organic Ceremonial Grade MatchaCeremonial-grade matcha is the champion of green tea and uses young leaves of green tea that have a higher concentration of antioxidants. This means that drinking it is better for your health. Higher quality grades of matcha also have a smoother taste and deliver a more delicious flavour experience.



Serves 1

1/2  cup pineapple, cut into chunks

1 cup ice

1/2 cup coconut water or coconut milk

1/2 teaspoon organic matcha green tea

1-2 tablespoons Pure Native WPI Protein



  1. COMBINE all the ingredients in a blender.
  2. BLEND on high speed for about 1 minute until creamy.
  3. SPOON into a large glass.
  4. ENJOY and be nourished.

Notes and Inspiration

Use almond milk in place of coconut water or coconut milk.

Add a frozen banana before blending.

Matcha has been shown to increase mental alertness, and the ability to concentrate both during and after your workout. I love to kickstart my workout with a cup of matcha most mornings, and it’s delicious when you shake it with coconut water as a pre workout kick-start to the day.

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