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Detox Protein Power Balls

Detox Protein Power Balls
Detox Protein Power Balls

What's great about it

If you need a protein-rich, superfood snack... then you need to make my awesome Detox Protein Balls. Recharge and repair the body and energise the mind, these power-packed balls will hit the spot with every bite. They take just 5 minutes to make and keep well for up to 2 weeks in the fridge. I love these as a grab and go protein rich light snack or breakfast. 




Makes 12 balls


1 cup almond meal or cashew nut meal

1/2 cup organic desiccated coconut

1 tablespoon Healthy Chef Everyday Greens

1/4 cup Healthy Chef Protein

1 teaspoon Organic Matcha Tea Powder

1/4 cup cold pressed coconut oil

2 teaspoons organic maple syrup 

water to mix if required



  1. Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl
  2. Mix well using your fingers until combined.
  3. Add a little water if needed to assist mixing.
  4. Roll into balls and then roll in coconut.
  5. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
  6. Enjoy.

Notes and Inspiration

Double the recipe as these balls won't last too long in the fridge.


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