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My 5-Day Gut Health Cleanse

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Welcome to my personal gut health cleanse that I try to do once a month to support my digestive system and help it function at its best.


This cleanse is based on the 2-week eating plan I wrote for my book Perfect Digestive Health and is a way of cleaning up my diet and getting in touch with my individual needs.

My digestive health cleanse is only for 5 days so I try and be as strict as possible. Repeat the below for 5 consecutive days. I include foods that help support the liver, healthy bowel function and elimination. The meal plan can help reset your dietary habits, as well as boost your digestive health. 

The meal plan can help reset your dietary habits, as well as boost your digestive health. 

When I wake up - it’s liquids first:

Upon waking, I drink 2 large glasses of warm water with lemon or add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. I love my apple cider vinegar as it contains malic acid, which helps my digestive issues like constipation and bloating. I remember my Great Polish aunt giving this to me when I was a young girl. She would combine water, a spoonful of vinegar and some local honey as a restorative tonic.

I remember my Great Polish aunt giving this to me when I was a young girl. She would combine water, a spoonful of vinegar and some local honey as a restorative tonic. 

Following this, I’ll have a warm cup of Organic Matcha Tea made simply with hot water. I’ll also make my restorative, energising garden vegetable juice with organic carrots, beetroot, apple and some lemon juice. I’ll also add a spoonful of Everyday Greens for an added boost of chlorophyll as it works wonders for my regularity.


I usually have a later breakfast and enjoy a Protein Based Shake at around 10 – 11 am based on how I feel and my hunger levels. I don’t tend to overeat and I keep my snacking in check and it's ok to feel a little hungry and look forward to a nourishing meal - it's better for my digestive system.

I’m in love with a new shake of the moment - my 'Mint Slice' smoothie which consists of frozen banana, Healthy Chef Pure Native WPI Vanilla, a handful of spinach,  a few mint leaves, Everyday Greens, pumpkin seed milk and a few drops of peppermint extract.

I’ve been making this at the office and it’s been so popular with the team! It's just delicious nutrition my body loves.


This shake keeps me going until mid-afternoon where I’ll enjoy a nourishing salad or a bowl of vegetable-based soup. I love my Detox Garden salad which is featured in my Perfect Digestive Health Book. The salad helps with peristalsis and my bowel regularity which is what I strive for every day. A side of kimchi or sauerkraut… just 1 tablespoon for me is a must, as it's a powerful probiotic to help the bacteria in my gut. If my gut is extra sensitive, I add extra water into the cabbage/salt mixture before fermenting. This will produce more of the restorative probiotic-rich sauerkraut juice and I normally have 1/4 cup a day.

I’ll usually enjoy a light power shake made with a few spoonfuls of Healthy Chef Protein with some filtered water or home made almond milk a few hours after lunch and it will keep me powering on until I get home from work.

Detox diets are generally low in protein, so it’s important to have at least 2 protein drinks a day… even if they're just mixed with water. They help supply sufficient amino acids my body needs for the construction of enzymes and the processes integral to the body's detoxification pathways. Without enough protein in your diet, the body catabolises its own lean tissue to source the amino acids necessary for its function.


For dinner, I tend to have a small meal and often focus on nourishing and restorative soups. Warming foods do wonders for my gut health so I love to make my 3-ingredient organic carrot soup. I also have the option of adding a piece of steamed or smoked salmon on the side for added protein and Omega-3s.

Before bed, I’ll sip on Relax Tea. I love that it contains organic peppermint and lavender buds that calm me down and soothe my digestive system. It's perfect for relieving my IBS issues. Other nights, I like to have my Turmeric Latte  which helps to nourish my digestive system. I drink it hot with some homemade almond milk and a spoonful of ghee. Ghee contains butyrate, an essential short-chain fatty acid that acts as a detoxifier and improves colon health.

I'll also enjoy a glass of my digestive tonic consisting of apple cider vinegar and water just before I go to bed. A little organic maple, stevia or raw honey can be added if needed, and what I also do is add a little cold pressed ginger juice and a squeeze of lemon, which aids my digestion.

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