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The Perfect Dressing

The Perfect Dressing
The Perfect Dressing

What's great about it

A good dressing will turn any salad into a masterpiece.  I try to eat at least one large bowl of salad every day.  I make lunch my main meal of the day and pile a bowl full of leafy greens and thinly sliced raw seasonal vegetables into my favourite stainless steel mixing bowl - toss through my dressing and enjoy every mouthful.  If I'm at work and pressed for time, I grab a couple of bags of freshly washed lettuce leaves, place them into a bowl and then drizzle over some lemon and some extra virgin olive oil that I keep at my work desk. You’re now off to a great start as all you need to do is toss through some protein such as almonds, seeds or a tin of wild salmon.





1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar

½ teaspoon Dijon mustard

3 - 4  tablespoons or 45 - 60  ml cold pressed olive oil - based on your own taste

Black pepper and a little sea salt (optional)



2 bunches parsley

1 bunch mint

Zest and juice from 1/2 - 1 lemon - depending on taste

1/2 cup cold pressed olive oil



100 g (1/2 cup) raspberries

2 - 3 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil



3 tablespoons pomegranate molasses

Juice from 1/2 lemon

60 ml cold pressed olive oil

Fresh ground pepper



1 cup full cream Greek Style Yoghurt

2 tablespoons lemon juice

4 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil



1 whole organic / free range egg

2 tablespoons lemon juice

150 ml avocado oil

1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard

1/2 teaspoon Dijon Mustard

1 clove crushed garlic

Sea salt and pepper to taste.



1/2  cup raw cashew nuts

1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or lemon juice

1/4 cup cold pressed olive oil

1/2 cup cold water

Pinch sea salt and black pepper



Combine vinegar and mustard.

Whisk in the oil until creamy looking.

Season to taste if necessary.

Makes a delicious basic dressing suitable for most salads and vegetables.

Store in a glass screw top jar for up to 2 weeks.



Combine all the ingredients into a high speed blender like a Vitamix and blend until smooth.

Adjust the consistency and taste by adding more oil or lemon juice if necessary.

Season with a little fresh ground pepper and sea salt.

Store in a glass screw top jar in the fridge for up to 1 week.

Delicious with green salad leaves or vegetables.



Smash raspberries with a fork then whisk in the olive oil if you want a rustic home style dressing.

Blend with the oil if you want a smooth dressing.

Enjoy with garden salads.

Delicious with baby spinach and roasted walnuts and a little pomegranate.

Store in a glass screw top jar in the fridge for up to 4 days.



Combine all the dressing ingredients until creamy.

Taste and adjust if needed.

Delicious with leafy greens and Mediterranean Style Salads or roasted carrot then topped with Persian or goats feta and dukkah.

Store in a screw top jar in the fridge for up to 7 days.



Combine in a bowl and enjoy.



Combine egg, vinegar and mustard into a bowl.

Slowly whisk in the avocado oil until it starts to thicken and emulsify.

Season with a little salt.



Blend ingredients until smooth.

Store for 5 days in the fridge.

Notes and Inspiration

A good salad dressing normally consists of 3 parts oil to 1 part acid. Use cold-pressed vegetable, nut or seed oils as they contain heart-healthy fats that can promote good health. Dressings also need a little acidity to add flavour and balance as well as improve digestion. All you need to do is combine your ingredients in a screw top jar and shake until emulsified.


My top cold-pressed oils for salad dressings:

Cold Pressed Olive Oil  - the king of oils

Flaxseed Oil

Walnut Oil

Macadamia nut Oil

Avocado oil


My top acid bases for salad dressings:

Balsamic vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Wine vinegar

Lemon juice


Additional Tasty Extras:

Dijon Mustard

Fresh Herbs

Sea Salt

Black Pepper

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