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What's great about it

You may not know that collagen is also a form of protein, so if you’re after an easy way to add more protein at breakfast-time, adding a serve of Healthy Chef Marine Collagen to your dish is perfect for boosting your protein needs. 

I’ve mixed our Marine Collagen into smashed avocado to make the ultimate super-charged toast topper. By adding a full serving of the Marine Collagen (2 tablespoons), you’ll be packing 12g of protein into this delicious + simple toast.

You can pack even more protein into this dish by adding feta, poached eggs, or smoked salmon. Flavourless and odourless, you won’t even notice the collagen has been added, whilst still nourishing your body.

Feel free to embellish the dish with a scattering of chopped chives, sea salt, lemon, and a drizzle of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.


2 pieces toast - your choice gluten-free or sourdough

1 avocado

2 tablespoons Healthy Chef Collagen - Marine or Grass Fed

Pinch of sea salt

Squeeze of lemon

Sprinkle of chopped chives

Drizzle of olive oil


SMASH the avocado with the collagen and a little salt and lemon until combined.
SPOON OVER toast of your choice.
DRIZZLE OVER olive oil, add chives and salt. 

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