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What's great about it

This is my "Simple Congee” from my latest cookbook, SIMPLE HEALTHY RECIPES, boosted with Healthy Chef Collagen to make it high in protein and essential amino acids to boost your health.

Beyond its rich, comforting taste, this congee serves as a functional meal that supports overall health. Collagen, known for its role in maintaining skin elasticity, joint flexibility, and skin and digestive health, is seamlessly incorporated into the dish using Healthy Chef Grass Fed Collagen, providing a convenient way to integrate this essential protein into your daily routine.

Whether enjoyed as a revitalising breakfast or a nourishing lunch, my Collagen Congee is designed to enrich your diet with both taste and wellness benefits.

Simple Healthy Recipes


Serves 1-2. 

1 cup leftover cooked Sushi or Jasmine rice

1 cup organic chicken bone broth or chicken stock

2 tablespoons Healthy Chef Collagen - Marine or Grass Fed

Embellishments: chives, tamari, toasted sesame seeds, nori, sesame oil, boiled egg (optional


COMBINE the cooked rice, stock and collagen into a small pot.

SIMMER gently for 5 minutes until slightly thickened.

SERVE topped with your choice of embellishments.

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