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Gluten-Free Christmas Cake

This is my favourite recipe featured in my two cookbooks Healthy Baking + Purely Delicious. There is nothing more satisfying than baking your own cakes, puddings and biscuits for Christmas. Around this time of year I’m in my kitchen a little bit more than usual baking cakes and cookies and packaging...

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Smashed Green Peas + Pan Roasted Salmon

Here's a quick + easy gourmet dinner to cook in around 10 minutes....

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Healthy Beef Pie

Here's my popular healthy version of a beef pie. This is based on...

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Cauliflower Mash

I regularly make cauliflower mash to serve along side comfort food dinners such...

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Blueberry + Chia Jam

Here is a quick healthy blueberry jam recipe that won't spike your blood...

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Cauliflower Cheese

Cauliflower cheese is an all time favourite of mine. It's simple to make,...

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Lean Beef Stroganoff

What I love about this stroganoff is that it's a one-pan dish that's...

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