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Gluten-Free Christmas Cake

This is my favourite recipe featured in my two cookbooks Healthy Baking + Purely Delicious. There is nothing more satisfying than baking your own cakes, puddings and biscuits for Christmas. Around this time of year I’m in my kitchen a little bit more than usual baking cakes and cookies and packaging...

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How To Make A Healthy Hot Chocolate

This is a recipe from my cookbook Purely Delicious. I'm absolutely in love...

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Golden Delicious Apple Cake

My great Aunt was the queen of apple cakes. I would help her...

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Chilli Con Carne

This chilli con carne is from my 80/20 Diet cookbook.  It's a quick, easy...

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How To Roast Chestnuts

I've been in love with chestnuts most of my life. My great Aunty...

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How To Enjoy A Pomegranate

It is the season for pomegranate and you can enjoy these wonderful antioxidant-rich...

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Fish In A Bag

This is the perfect meal to make this Easter.  A classic French style...

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