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Why You Need Protein When Detoxing

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I aim to do a detox every season - about four times per year - because it's just like doing a mini reset on my eating habits, enhancing my overall health..

Our bodies naturally detox every day. It’s part of a natural process that allows us to get rid of toxins and regenerate cells. Just like changing the oil in your car –  a detox supports and re-energises how all your systems function.  

A well-designed detox menu is high in nutrients, hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory, which can only be obtained from wholefood ingredients. Therefore, my motto for detox is: REMOVE – RESTORE – REJUVENATE.

However, one of the significant problems is the lack of protein when people go on a detox. It's common for people to deprive themselves of essential nutrients such as protein in the belief that all they need to do is drink herbal teas and juices.


Protein is essential as your body requires adequate amino acids to construct enzymes and other molecules integral to the detoxification pathways. Without supplementation, the body catabolises its lean tissue to source the amino acids necessary for this function. Therefore, a proper detox shouldn't make you feel hungry or deprived at all. Instead, you should enjoy nutrient-rich foods to support the body, namely the liver and kidneys.

Protein is essential as your body requirers adequate amino acids for the construction of enzymes and other molecules integral to the detoxification pathways. Without supplementation the body catabolises its own lean tissue to source the amino acids necessary for this function.

Protein is also a vital nutrient needed to balance hormones, assist in weight loss, digestion, and support a healthy immune system. When your body doesn't get enough protein required for all these processes, it will source it from muscle tissue, leading to loss of muscle mass.

When I'm on a detox, I prefer protein shakes made with Organic Pea Protein or Pure Native WPI that support my IBS issues. 

 Increasing protein intake can also help support high-stress levels by stabilising blood sugar spikes, reducing mood swings, jitteriness and improving sleep. It’s no wonder when you take out protein from your diet or go on an extreme or unhealthy detox program, you feel anxious, moody and can’t seem to sleep!

When I'm too busy to prepare protein-rich meals that include oily fish, grass-fed meat or eggs, I make a meal replacement smoothie using Healthy Chef Protein. Other days, I have a glass of almond milk mixed with Healthy Chef Protein and a handful of berries. It's the perfect blend of protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats to nourish your body.


“Nourishing myself is a joyful experience, and I am worth the time spent in my healing.” – Louise Hay


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